Bearing Witness through the Voices of our Survivors
Make a Donation


We gratefully welcome donations to help us to continue to offer our valuable programming to students and adults alike. We are a non-profit institution and are happy to provide Canadian tax-deductible receipts.

There are a number of ways in which to donate in order to help us:

There are several funds established at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba under the umbrella of the Holocaust Education Centre Endowment Fund. If you send a tribute card or a donation and specifically designate the donation to this fund, you will be helping us carry on with our presentations by survivors and educators, our annual Holocaust and Human Rights Symposium at the University of Winnipeg, where in May 2013, students from across Manitoba heard the renowned Father Patrick Desbois of Yahad-In Unum and" Holocaust by Bullets" fame deliver his powerful message.


Sample tribute card from the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba

Sample tribute card from the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba


To contribute to the Holocaust Education Centre Endowment Fund at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba, please call 204.477.7525 or contribute online at

We also have our own tribute cards available from the Jewish Heritage Centre. The minimum donation for these cards is $10.


Sample tribute card from the Jewish Heritage Centre

Sample tribute card from the Jewish Heritage Centre

Donor Information

Payment Information

Please send a tribute card to the following:

Card Information
Please supply as much information as possible.

(i.e. Dear Rose and Arnold; The Smith Family; Mr. and Mrs. Smith)